August Horoscope

August 7, 2024 Columns

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The new moon in Leo on August 4 brings your focus to pleasurable fifth house topics such as hobbies and the senses. Mercury’s retrograde the same day brings a re-evaluative tone. With the 11th house Aquarius full moon on August 19, you feel more socially focused, especially with groups. Now is a good time for you to be giving and receiving validation and support with friends.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

The new moon in your fourth house brings a chance to manifest something in your home life, your private retreat from the world. The full moon in your 10th house will bring the opposite energy—an event may occur that pulls you out of your comfort zone and asks you to show your responsible side. This could be a job offer or something that puts you in public view. 

This story originally appeared in our August 7, 2024 issue.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Your curiosity will be stoked with the new moon in Leo passing through your third house of communication and close travel—but with the full moon in Aquarius entering your ninth house on August 19, your adventurous side comes out as you feel the urge to take a leap of faith and explore past the mundane. Avoid any serious travelling, as Mercury’s retrograde on the fourth will cause delays.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Whereas the new moon in your second house brings contemplation over the material side of money, such as your income and possessions, the full moon in the eighth brings attention to your monetary ties with others. You may lean on others for financial support—or vice versa—or you may take out a loan or sign some other sort of financial contract.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The new moon in the first house focuses on yourself and your identity, and you may give yourself much-needed attention. The full moon in the seventh house puts this into perspective, causing you to focus on an individual close to you—a partner, business partner, or close best friend. It is about considering the needs of others alongside your own and accommodating.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

The new moon in your 12th house of spiritual retreat and the unconscious mind may bring confusion, but also solitude and the chance to let go. There will be a surge of energy at the full moon in your sixth house that encourages you to change your routine for the sake of your physical, mental, or spiritual health, or to achieve more satisfaction in your work life. A work project may come to fruition.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

The new moon passing through your 11th house causes you to seek your friends and larger social groups, and also new networking opportunities. The full moon in your fifth house of creativity and the five senses is a ripe time for creative and romantic activity, as your focus shifts toward pleasure-seeking activities as opposed to group social obligations.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

The theme of August is “work/life balance.” The new moon in your 10th house drives the wheel forward in your career and public-facing matters—but the full moon in your fourth house of family and home will bring you back to your personal life and domestic matters. 

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

The new moon passing through your ninth house may bring restlessness, desire for meaning, and lust for adventure—but by the time the full moon enters your third house, your efforts in the mundane will be called upon. In order to keep on the adventure: run your errands, do your paperwork, answer those calls, and bring yourself balance. On August 4, Mercury will enter retrograde—hold off on any serious travelling.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Intimacy, power and control, or joint finances or loans are some themes that may come up while the new moon is in your eighth house on August 4. The full moon brings the topic of sharing to the table—on the material levels and higher, what is “yours” and what is “mine”? Income and possessions are a forefront focus on the full moon in the second.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

The new moon entering your seventh house may have you thinking a lot about your romantic or business partnerships and what’s going on in their lives. The full moon on August 19 in your first house will turn your attention back to you—“What about me?” you may think—and that may be overwhelming for you, but try not to succumb to the attention one way or another. Focus on asserting yourself without over-asserting.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

The focus on your day-to-day routines, work, and health during the new moon in your sixth house will cause retreat during the full moon. The full moon in your 12th will pull you into solitude, escaping from the busyness of everyday life to reflect deeper on the material that is coming up from the unconscious mind. A work project could also be reaching a culmination.