New Music Revue: Tyler Hood brings it on home with The Magnolia Sessions

Arts November 2, 2022

Tyler Hood
The Magnolia Sessions
(Anti-Corporate Records)

Kentucky based musician Tyler Hood is a dark country and folk singer who will make you feel like you’re home—well, if you’re from the countryside, that is—when listening to his guitar-based songs on The Magnolia Sessions. 

Hood has a rural influence in his lyrics and has a guitar sound to complement it. That fresh Saturday morning feeling, you know—those are the vibes this album gives me. It brought a smile to my face the first time I listened to the crickets and guitar of opener “Kentucky Heartbreak.”

Try to imagine yourself waking up with the sun rising, holding your mug of coffee, and thinking about the day ahead of you. Or listen to the sounds that bring me back to days at the lake and nights with the guitar in front of the fire eating marshmallows.

The Magnolia Sessions gives me a happy feeling of memories and fresh starts.