New Music Revue: New Zealand indie-popsters Mild Orange deliver uplifting third album

Arts Web Exclusive

Mild Orange
Looking for Space

New Zealand indie-pop band Mild Orange recently released their third album, Looking for Space. The album carries an uplifting message and tone throughout almost the entirety of its runtime, with a few more sombre songs spliced in. Relaxing vocals and instruments back up this message with a chill tone.

Throughout the album, there’s a theme of not giving up, that things will get better. The band successfully conveys the feeling that no matter what, things will work themselves out—you can relax right now. Listening to Looking for Space also brings up imagery of cities at night, road trips with friends, and time spent reflecting alone.

Looking for Space’s only shortcoming is that some of the songs feel a bit too tonally generic, bordering on mediocrity due to being so similar to other songs in the genre. It, thankfully, makes up for this with standout cuts such as “The Time Of Our Lives,” “Hollywood Dreams,” and “This Kinda Day.”