25 Years Ago in Nexus: November 16, 2020 web exclusive

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That’s money in the bank… or not: In the story “Students foot bill in ski club scandal” in our October 30, 1995 issue, we talked about how a group of Camosun students who were in the student ski club had to use money out of their own pockets during a club trip. The group arrived at Apex Resort in Penticton to find that a cheque for $4,270 had bounced. But the Camosun College Student Society, who oversees all student club activity on campus, decided to reimburse the students at a rate of 75 percent of the money they spent. As for why the cheque bounced in the first place, “It appears that money had a difficult time getting to the bank,” CCSS office resources coordinator Michael Subasic diplomatically explained.

That was then, this is now, forever and ever: The story “Lack of Interurban parking spaces frustrating” barely needs to be read, because absolutely nothing has changed. There’s a new parking lot these days, but there’s also more students out there. Unless you’re there at the crack of dawn to grab a spot, that frustration is just as bad in 2020 as it was in 1995.

Still zero tolerance: The story “Zero tolerance for racial graffiti” reported on racist stickers being found around campus. Sadly, 25 years later, racism is still something we need to talk about; look for an upcoming Open Space opinion piece written by a Camosun student on that very subject soon.