BC Culture Days continues strong in 2020

Arts Web Exclusive

During these dark times, British Columbia’s cultural art community has become one of our most essential sources of entertainment. This is mainly because art is one of the most important parts of our culture, one that shines a light on the human sprit and offers hope.

This year, BC Culture Days’ virtual celebration aims to provide high-quality art that’s not just simply entertaining but also demonstrates how essential art is to our community.

“The whole mission is to promote arts and culture and to make art and culture more accessible to different people around the province,” says BC Culture Days ambassador and theatre artist Molly Beatrice.

BC Culture Days’ performances this year are a mix of online and in-person (photo by Mary Matheson Photography).

Beatrice says that her program in BC Culture Days this year is a performing-arts-based theatre program, and that there are a wide variety of different kinds of programs happening.

“I know, for example, the other culture-based ambassadors, some of them are doing plant-based ink-making workshops or organic-materials printmaking,” she says. “There are lots and lots of different events.”

Beatrice says that her work has a focus on community building, creating dialogues, and bringing people together.

“The heart of my work is focused on how to use theatre for social change,” she says. “I think it’s really, really important to engage with the community and I think theatre is an incredibly powerful tool for change.”

Art means a lot of different things—to some people it’s a comforting best friend that’s there to entertain you when you need it most. To others it’s an inspiration that, at its best, can encourage people to raise their voices in pride or in protest.

“To me, art is an expression or an articulation of a moment or a feeling or an idea or maybe something more abstract from that,” she says, “something more from the soul.”

BC Culture Days
Until Saturday, October 25
Various venues and online