New Music Revue: Metz create a record to remember with Atlas Vending

Arts Web Exclusive

Atlas Vending
(Royal Mountain Records/Sub Pop)

Really superb albums are created by musicians who manage to figure out how to get out of their own way. What that means is that the artist must believe not only in their music and its messages but also in the faith to let their final product be what it must be: a meaningful album.

By blending captivating human themes with the musical tropes of noise rock, Toronto’s Metz manages to do just that with their stellar fourth album, Atlas Vending.

A great example of a group getting out of their own way can be found on this album’s engrossing track “No Ceiling.” Its music and lyrics are able to accurately and compellingly convey themes of discovery of love and purpose within the human sprit. In his work, Metz guitarist/vocalist Alex Edkins had to put faith not only in his music, but also in himself. By doing that, Edkins manages to make this track one of the band’s finest.

In managing to maintain trust in their music and each other, Metz makes Atlas Vending an album for the ages.