How I learned to stop worrying and find hope during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Dear fellow students, I am reaching out to you today to inform you about a tip I’ve learned that has produced promising results in restoring the faith and hope that we all need in able to get through the COVID-19 crisis. It’s a very simple tip, and I highly recommend everybody give it a shot. The tip is to write a short list of life goals that you’d like to accomplish when we are out of this crisis, goals that will hopefully bring out the best you. Do this and I promise you will not regret it.

Here’s my list:

1. Slow down and enjoy the little things.

During a time of crisis—and in life in general—it’s essential to relish the happy moments. For example, my college friend Sam just got engaged, and my buddy Zac and I have agreed to share the job of best man. I am super thrilled for him, although I must admit that as a 25-year-old adult male who hasn’t found a girlfriend, I do feel a little jealous. But like an adult, I plan to suck it up and deal with it. Besides, if a man and a woman can still fall in love on this planet, well, our chances of getting through this global health crisis can’t be all that gloomy, can they?

This is the latest of a series of pieces written by Camosun College students during the COVID-19 pandemic (file photo).

2. Get that dream A

I have dreamed of getting that dream A on a paper. Don’t get me wrong: there is nothing wrong with a B or even a D, but that is all I have ever gotten, so tasting the sweet nectar of getting an A would be the best. For years I have dreamed about what I would do if that happened. The dreams ranged from getting a triple-scoop ice cream cone from the mall’s ice cream shop to sleeping with the paper underneath my pillow every night for the rest of my life. I would be a thrilled man if that dream did come true.

3. Learn how to talk to girls

As mentioned in the first example, I do not have a girlfriend yet. I expect it is because I lack confidence and self-esteem; I will admit I am a little bit of a shy guy. I mean, I will go into a room and hang out with my guy friends or co-workers, but when it comes to talking to girls, I freeze up. But I think it was Yoda that said “Do, or do not. There is no try.” I pledge that when this epidemic passes, I will put more work into that department.

We are all going through a difficult time right now, so I’ll use these last few words to convey a special message to our readers: remember, we are all in this together, and if we hold on to our little spark of hope, I do believe that maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday we will pull through this.