Langham Court delivers spirited season opener

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Believe it or not, Victoria’s Langham Court Theatre has just celebrated the opening of its 90th season. And what better way to kick off the year than with a tried and tested favourite? In this case, it’s Blithe Spirit by Noël Coward (it’s so much a favourite that this is the company’s fifth rendition of the play).

Given that it’s such a well-crafted piece of work, it’s easy to see why Langham keeps coming back to this classic. The writing is strong, the story is spooky, witty, and hilarious—to the point that even I, the confirmed feminist, will forgive the slightly sexist ending. But really, if the only negative thing I can say about a play (written in the 1940s, I might add) is that it’s a little dated, I can’t really complain.

Blithe Spirit is on at Langham Court Theatre until October 13 (photo provided).

And, honestly, despite the dated ending, it was a joy to watch. The set was a visual smorgasbord of colour and style; the costumes were stunning and elaborate; the special effects (yes, you read that right) were breathtaking.

Also, the acting was solid across the board. For such a hearty show, it has a modest cast size, meaning there’s a lot of heavy lifting from its principal actors, something lead Alan Penty handled brilliantly. He was engaging and electrifying as Charles, giving charm and warmth to a potentially unlikeable character.

Penty’s counter-balances Kate McCallum Pagett and Jackie Rioux both delivered solid performances, and Elizabeth Whitmarsh had me in stitches as the eccentric Madame Arcati—particularly in a few instances of technical prop difficulty, which she improvised her way through like a champ.

A word of caution: the show is marketed for all ages, but there were a few moments that made me jump in my seat, and the late start time meant that it didn’t end until about 10:30.

Blithe Spirit is a perfect, spooky way to start the fall, a triumph for Langham, and a delight to watch.

Blithe Spirit
Various times, until Saturday, October 13
$23 to $25 (student discount available), Langham Court Theatre