Until Saturday, August 13
Much ado about lame headlines using “much ado”
The Vancouver Island Shakespeare Arts Society is performing two Bard plays (one comedy, one tragedy) at various venues until August 13; this year it’s Much Ado About Nothing and Othello. Check out vancouverislandshakespearearts.com for more information.
Until Sunday, August 28
Mommy madness
Mom’s the Word is a play about motherhood today, and all the ups and downs that go along with it. It’s at the Belfry during August; see belfry.bc.ca for ticket prices and more information.

Until Sunday, August 28
Looking back, looking ahead
Modernization in Meiji Japan (1868-1912) has a pretty straightforward name, so if this sounds intriguing, check out this Art Gallery of Greater Victoria exhibit; see aggv.ca for more info.
Until Monday, September 5
Visual transmissions
Trans-Pacific Transmissions: Video Art Across the Pacific is an exhibition of work from various Pacific Rim artists. It’s open at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria until September; see aggv.ca for more info on this and other events at the gallery.
Until Sunday, October 16
Yes, that kind of kinky
Kinky is a display of ancient Chinese and Japanese erotic images taking place at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. See aggv.ca for more information on this and other happenings.
Thursday, August 11
Get dead
Dead Ranch are hitting up Logan’s with their brand of rock and roll. That’s loud, noisy, heavy rock and roll. Next show after Victoria looks to be a burger festival. Cool. See loganspub.com for the lowdown.
Wednesday, August 17
That’s a lot of voices
It’s a performance of Brahms’ A German Requiem, with a 250-piece choir to boot. The Claire Coupland Band will also be appearing. Tickets are $20 for this concert, which starts at 8 pm and takes place at the Victoria Conservatory of Music, located at 900 Johnson Street. Tickets are available at ticketfly.com; for more info email hilaryc@shaw.ca.
Monday, August 22 to Sunday, September 4
Three decades of life on the fringe
The Victoria Fringe Theatre Festival is back for another round of live performances. This year, Fringe celebrates 30 years of bringing a variety of live theatre to local audiences; see intrepidtheatre.com for the scoop on what’s playing and what it will cost you.
Friday, August 26
Metal hearts
Medevil play metal and come from Chilliwack, and we’re not sure what else you are really looking for in a night out. The headbanging goes down at the Copper Owl and will cost you $10; see copperowl.ca for more info.