There is no debating that independence is a cornerstone of the college experience. The freedom that is part of post-secondary education can be empowering and terrifying at the same time. While the newfound independence in college is a rite of passage for most young adults, it can be a tough and scary time for our parents.
No matter how independent you were in high school, you were still there, and I’ve come to learn that life is much different when the time comes to start post-secondary or move away.

I moved away to college when I was 17 years old. Four years later, I’m just starting to realize how difficult that experience was on my parents. The term “empty nest syndrome” isn’t just a cliche thrown around at dinner parties—it’s a real thing.
While I was off enjoying my first taste of unrestricted freedom, making poor decisions in a small town in southwest Minnesota, my moms were hurting.
Now that I’m older, hopefully a bit wiser, and have moved back home for the foreseeable future, I see how difficult that was. It leaves me with a slight sense of regret. Regret that I didn’t call my mom more often.
I know that nobody’s relationship with their parents is perfect, but if you’re reading this on a college campus, chances are the helped pave the way to get you here. Don’t forget about them.
If you’re in college but still living at home, your relationship with your parents has probably changed a bit since high school. My time at home is shorter, and my time away working and studying is longer.
If this is your situation, I think it’s important to still make time for family. It all comes down to planning around your priorities.
It’s so easy to get caught up in meeting new people, going to parties or bars, and exploring new places that you can forget what really matters: family.
A mentor explained this to me in a way that really changed my perspective. The people who raised and cared for you through the good and the bad love you unconditionally; the people who you met two weeks ago in a lecture hall or on a dating app probably don’t. Prioritize accordingly.
My suggestion here is simple: make time, call your mom.