Nice-T: Never meet your heroes; they can only disappoint. They’ll sass or glare or offend. Their pompous attitudes, which come often coupled with stardom and a record deal, show no mercy to dedicated fans. But, like in Ice-T’s case, they can even deeply trouble the soul of a fan, forcing them to reassess their role in complacency. In our March 20, 2000 issue, we covered the objectionable behaviour shown by the rapper during a local performance, leaving Nexus writer Wendi Davies displeased with the state of 2000s sexism. In fact, the rapper (and this is nothing surprising), used the word “bitch” instead of “women,” and used them as props on stage instead of people. Music, as a way one connects to others, has a profound ability to move individuals, rally them to act in good conscience, and expand their view. Unfortunately, it would seem, Ice-T is just a pervert with a microphone.
Crash Override: All emails are a nuisance, but some more than others. Some, before spam-filtering in 2000, were ubiquitous virus emails, looking for their next naive victim. Similar to the hackers in the 1995 movie Hackers, students at Camosun were facing the then-growing virus industry. (Who can blame the industry leaders? Their only true crime is curiosity.) In this issue, we covered the small virus plaguing Camosun with a pesky cold. The Pretty Park virus does no real damage to a computer, but still aggravates the user by emailing itself to all email contacts listed on the computer system. It is unfortunate, but not dire. Nonetheless, email users at Camosun were cautioned about Pretty Park’s troubling tendencies.
Single or taken: Before apps, there was school to help young people fall madly in love with one another. In fact, poll results in this issue reveal 38 percent of students met their second half on campus, the rest meeting through friends, work, and bars. But it isn’t easy finding “the one.” In this issue, we covered a roundtable discussion on relationships. Pickup lines, personal ads, breakups. With much back and forth on the topic, it would seem romance is contentious. But the verdict of the conversation: best chance to find love is at the smoke pit. Indeed love requires sacrifice. Even of the lungs.