Aries (March 21 – April 19)
The Cancer new moon on July 5 occurs in your fourth house of family and home, giving you the chance to sow some seeds of fruit you’d like to bear—maybe even in your actual garden! The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 affects your 10th house of career and public image, initiating a new beginning around your career. With Saturn supporting you in the 11th house, your colleagues and manager will notice your hard work.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
The July 5 new moon in Cancer lands in your third house of communication and close travel. Along with the full moon in Capricorn on July 21 affecting your ninth house of long-distance travel and higher learning, this is a great month to travel. Mars entering Gemini on July 20 brings you motivation to increase your income, possibly through a side hustle, but you may be tempted to impulsively spend.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
Mars entering your sign on July 20 may cause you to be more blunt in your relationships—take time to exercise caution. The Cancer new moon on July 5 gives an opportunity to set intentions around money and possessions. The full moon in Capricorn affects your eighth house, which might bring financial support from others. Mercury, Venus, the Sun, and Jupiter occupying your 12th house may require your attention to surrender, and focus on your unconscious mind, spiritual retreat, and what is hidden away.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
Venus in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces on July 2, making for an opportune moment to confess your feelings about someone. The new moon in your sign of Cancer on July 5 is a good time to start creative projects and find domestic bliss. The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 affects your seventh house of romantic relationships.
Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)
Venus entering your sign on July 11 will turn the drama and romance up a notch in your love life—maybe even with a sprinkle of jealousy. The Cancer new moon on July 5 lands in your 12th house, raising your sensitivity and ability to tap into the unconscious. The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 brings your manifestations down to the practical, everyday level—this could involve something from behind the scenes affecting your job or health.
Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
The new moon in Cancer on July 5 occurs in your 11th house, providing an opportunity to network, or you could possibly be thinking of volunteering at an organization. When Venus goes into Leo July 11, the influence of Leo and Mercury in that house will bring enjoyment, harmony, and communication to these endeavors. The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 affects your fifth house, turning your outward focus in as you reap the creative benefits of your social activity.
Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
The Cancer new moon on July 5 lands in your 10th house, with the Sun and Venus there as well. You are wholly and without conflict contemplating, or even planning, your next career move or decision around your public image. By the full moon in Capricorn, this will come around to help your family and home life. However, this time also calls for balancing your work and home life, which may feel somewhat opposite.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
The new moon in Cancer on July 5 takes place in your ninth house of higher learning and long-distance travel—you could be learning a foreign language or otherwise expanding your mind. Mars entering Gemini July 20 will have you feeling inclined to investigate and discover deeper truths. The full moon in Capricorn in your third house will highlight possible ways that your communication style has changed.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
With the Sun and Mercury conjunct during the July 5 Cancer new moon in your eighth house, the focus is put on your loans, debts, and financial support from others. You could be thinking of going back to school and searching for scholarships and grants. The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 affects your second house, showing how your material situation with money and income has transformed, and your professional skills at work.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
The Cancer new moon on July 5 is in your seventh house of romantic relationships and business partners; you could be starting a new business venture around this time, especially because of Saturn’s stabilizing influence. Your intimacy with your partner will increase. The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 is a culmination around your own identity and self—your leadership and confidence are brought to light.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
Cancer’s new moon occurring on July 5 lands in your sixth house of daily routines, health, and wellness—you’re focused on taking care of your everyday tasks and routines, with the Sun and Mercury supporting this. Mars in the forth will turn your attention to household projects you might have been missing. The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 affects your 12th house, taking the focus off the material and turning your attention to your spiritual needs and unconscious mind.
Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)
The Cancer new moon on July 5 lands in your fifth house—you are thinking of recreation and playfulness; you could be planning a vacation. Mercury in the sixth will bring learning of new diet, exercise, or other wellness habits. The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 affects your 11th house, allowing you to reap the benefits of any possible new friendships or recent networking.