Calling all artists
The Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) has announced a design competition where the winning students will have their art featured on next year’s student agenda. The three grand prize winners of the competition will receive a $50 bookstore gift card, a Hydro Flask water bottle, Camosun hoodie, and other merchandise. The artwork must be high resolution and 5.3 inches wide by 8.3 inches high, and must be non-political and make sense to be on a college agenda; nothing inappropriate will be accepted. All artwork must be submitted by November 30; see the CCSS Instagram page for more information.
Library seeks student input
The Camosun College Library is running a survey asking for student input on hours and operation; the feedback will be used for determining hours and service levels. The survey is currently active and will be until November 24. Students who enter the survey are eligible to win one of two prizes: a $25 gift certificate to the Camosun Bookstore or a $10 voucher for 3D printing at the Makerspace. Head to camosun.libwizard.com/f/afterhours to take the survey.
More death dealings
Students from Camosun College’s Anthropology of Death class are putting on a pop-up exhibit at the Royal BC Museum this month. Loving Ancestors and Restless Ghosts will take place on Saturday, November 4 from 1 to 3 pm. If you plan on visiting the exhibit, the class asks that you bring a non-perishable food item for donation.
CCSS celebrate Diwali
The Camosun College Student Society is celebrating Diwali—the festival of lights—this year at the Wicket Hall on Monday, November 13 from 7 pm to midnight. Tickets include entry, dancing, and sweets, and are available to purchase on Eventbrite for $10 until October 31; after that tickets can be purchased online or at the door for $15. All profits from the event go to the Camosun College Student Society Food Bank. For more information search “Camosun College Student Society” on eventbrite.
Student entrepreneurs shine at competition
Women students from The Maker to Market program at Camosun recently won for the second year in a row at the 2023 DIVERSEcity’s Business Pitch Competition. The provincial competition acknowledges achievements made by immigrant entrepreneurs. Power of Passion (P.O.P.) Victoria Snack Mixes received the Best Business Implementation Award and the Audience Favourite Award. P.O.P. Victoria Snack Mixes featured three popcorn snack mixes at the competition that represented participants’ culture, such as the WestCoast Berry Mix, Dragon Mediterranean Sumac Mix, and Zebra Black Sesame & Coconut Mix.