Testosterone plays a key role in reproductive function and regulates fat distribution, strength, muscle growth, and red blood cell production.
The importance of testosterone for males can’t be overstated.
Unfortunately, testosterone levels have been steadily decreasing for the last 50 years. Many young males today have half the test levels their grandfathers did at the same age.

Why is this? There are a variety of systemic factors playing a role in this serious drop in testosterone.
Our society is extremely sedentary in comparison to those that came before us. Extremely processed, high-calorie food is also more accessible than ever before.
There has been a rise in obesity levels across North America that correlates very strongly with the drop in testosterone. The easiest way to address this is to exercise more and eat less fried and sugary foods.
Lifting weights and eating lots of protein will cause an increase in muscle mass, which will also help your body produce more testosterone.
A major societal factor causing low testosterone is the rise in substance use among young males.
In a previous issue, I described the effects of chronic cannabis use on testosterone. It’s also important to consider the effects of alcohol on testosterone levels and production.
Alcohol, but especially beer, enhances estrogen and decreases the biosynthesis of testosterone. High-hops content in drinks like IPAs are especially bad for males as they aromatize testosterone, converting it into estrogen.
Another factor many people are unaware of is that alcohol severely inhibits protein synthesis. This makes increasing muscle mass much harder as the repairing process never happens.
This is not all to say you should never have a pint with your buddies. College students are young, and having fun is part of our lives. I just recommend you be smart with your timing and dosage to reduce the negative impacts that drinking has on your testosterone.
Finally, supplementing Vitamin D can be a great way to increase testosterone production in the winter, when we can go weeks without seeing the sun.