Free spaces open in Professional Cook program
In our October 4 issue, we reported on the Chefs’ Table Society of BC supporting eligible students through the Professional Cook 1 program at Camosun College by offering free supports, such as uniforms, a knife kit, and a lunch pass, through funding it secured through the provincial government. On top of that, the one-time funding covers up to 18 spaces in the program that will be available free of tuition to students facing career challenges due to the pandemic, new immigrants, and unemployed or precariously employed people. Those interested in the program can email Culinary Arts chair David Lang at langd@camosun.ca.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
The Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) is looking for student vendors for a holiday pop-up market happening on Wednesday, November 29 from 3 until 6 pm at the Lansdowne campus. Fliers have been posted around the college with QR codes inviting students to fill out a Google form for the event; head to the CCSS Instagram page for more info.
Row, row, row your boat
On Friday, September 29, three master rowing athletes over the age of 65, along with local rowing coach Ben Murphy, visited Interurban’s Kinesiology students to demonstrate the importance of remaining physically active as older adults. This was meant to further the learning of Kinesiology students in the Active Aging course, which focuses on physical activity programming for aging adults.