Camosun students head to New Zealand
Students from Camosun’s Eyēʔ Sqȃ’lewen – Centre for Indigenous Education & Community Connections are off to New Zealand. The field trip will be three weeks long and students will learn about the Māori culture by attending courses that focus on cultural immersion, as well as a homestay. The trip has been made possible by Global Skills Opportunity, a national student mobility program that targets students who haven’t necessarily had access to travel opportunities, such as Indigenous students, low-income students, and students with disabilities.
Provincial government to lift age limit on Tuition Waiver program
The BC government is lifting the age limit on free tuition for students who were in foster care. The Tuition Waiver program was launched in 2017 and waives fees for people aged 19 to 26 who were in the foster care system. The government has now taken action to remove age requirements for the program; this will be effective as of August 1, 2023.
Province announces contraceptive coverage
Beginning on April 1, PharmaCare will cover the cost of many different birth-control options for BC residents. To access the free contraceptives, bring a BC services card and a prescription to a pharmacy (except for the morning after pill, which doesn’t require a prescription). The free birth-control options include copper IUDs, hormonal IUDs, hormone injection, hormone implant, oral contraceptives, and emergency oral contraceptives. For more information on free contraceptives and how to access them visit www2.gov.bc.ca and search “contraceptives.”