I love movies of all kinds—I’ve said that many times. But there actually is a kind of movie that I absolutely hate: unnecessary remakes. This, partially, applies to the last decade-plus of Disney remakes. Over the last 10 years, there has not been a single Disney remake that I’ve liked.

One annoying thing they do to every remake is take important scenes out. What we like about the old classic Disney movies is that they had really memorable scenes that are important to the plot and to the development of the characters. Think of the scene in The Lion King when Simba asks for advice from Rafiki about returning to the Pride Lands. This was a very pivotal moment in the film because of what Simba learns: sometimes the past hurts but everyone eventually has to face theirs, so why be afraid of it?
Is this highly important scene in the remake? No. Instead, Nala comes in, tells Simba that he needs to go face his uncle and take his place as king and after a repeat of a broad-daylight version of “Can You Feel the Love Tonight,” Simba and Nala just… live. I mean, hats off to Disney for finding a way to suck out all of the life right out of this beloved scene, and movie.
Also, look, when I go into a movie, I don’t go into it wanting to hear some other movie’s ideas; I want to hear about that film’s own ideas. Disney has, unfortunately, lost all belief in that part of cinema and just feed you the same movie over and over again. I mean, from Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King remakes to the pointless Pinocchio movie I just wasted my time on, these moves have no identity of their own. I mean, the characters, designs, and personalities are the same, 90 percent of the dialogue is ripped right out of the previous film’s screenplays, and some of the exact same shots are used repeatedly through the film. There’s just no originality to anything. If you’re going to remake something, make sure you have your own distinct style and message behind it or the film will just come off as really infuriating.
The bottom line is that, yes, Disney remakes make a disturbing amount of money but that does not change the fact that they are manipulative and offensive pieces of garbage that never should have been made.
Disney, all I can say to you is please stop making these films. Thank you.