We take Earth Day for granted. This day should serve as a opportunity to work together to do beneficial acts that will help ease our planet’s suffering and, in turn, our own.
Over the last two years, we have faced ferocious windstorms, out-of-season snowfalls, prolonged and severe fire seasons… We have lost our homes and possessions and, yes, even our loved ones to these escalating weather events, so we students need to be sure we are doing what we can to reduce the pain and suffering that climate change is bestowing upon us all.
Here are four simple things students can do to help save our little bright blue planet that we proudly call home.

1. Unplug, unplug, unplug
I will admit, this is big talk for someone who leaves his bedroom light on for however many nights it takes to finish the newest Clive Cussler novel, but the fact remains that turning off power on items when we are not using them can help our planet immensely. So, when you’re done playing video games, turn off your TV before you go to bed; when you’re doing homework, make sure to power off your computer before you go to bed. And unplug what you can, too: even when some items are turned off, they’re still using electricity if they’re plugged in. Unplug, unplug, unplug: mother nature will very much appreciate it.
2. Switch to electric
Yes, I know that they’re incredibly pricey, and we’re used to our big trucks and motorbikes, but, like it or not, electric vehicles and bikes are becoming more and more instrumental in the fight against climate change. Take places like France, for example: a large amount of their population bikes to and from work and their everyday activities every day, and we can only assume they do it without throwing a fit about not being able to use their gas-powered cars and trucks. We need more of that in our society, so when it’s time to buy a new personal or family vehicle, if there’s any way you can afford it, go electric. Then, you and your vehicle can be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
3. Respect our trees
One of the most beautiful things we can do for our environment in its time of need is to plant more trees and agree to stop cutting them down. Each tree that’s on this earth contributes to our environment’s health and to our own health, because our trees give us air and different types of food (you like fruit and nuts, right?). So, on this Earth Day, go outside and give back to mother nature by planting some trees. Your own lungs will be very grateful for it.
4. Use less petroleum products
Yes, back to this: the biggest thing that has led to our current situation regarding climate change is our over-reliance on petroleum. We use it to drive our cars; we use it to heat our houses. Yes, these are essential parts of living, but there are greener ways we can perform these tasks. For example, we can bike more and drive less, or, if you’re close enough to your destination, you can just walk there. For heating, we can use heated blankets (unplug when done!) or winter jackets to stay warm.
Doing these things will help reduce the dreadful climate impacts that we’re being forced to endure and maybe eventually help humanity be on the right side of the horrible war on climate. This Earth Day, let’s focus on creating less destruction to our planet as we move ahead.