International at Camosun: Final goodbyes

Columns Web Exclusive

Our exams are right around the corner, but so is Christmas! Victoria is a really beautiful place, especially during Christmas time—there are Christmas decorations everywhere, and I was pleased to recently be able to attend a Christmas parade.

I finally feel like I’m at home here, settled in (enough, anyway), and adapted to this wonderful city’s lifestyle. I am also reaching the end of my second semester soon, almost finishing my first year postgraduate diploma.

Sadly, this is also the time that I’m going to say goodbye to this column. I’ve had so many experiences as an international student at Camosun that I have shared with everyone through this column. I’ve learned to live an independent life in a foreign country and I wish to keep learning more. I’m thankful to everyone who enjoyed reading my articles.

International at Camosun is a column about taking Camosun classes from overseas (photo by Vlada Karpovich/Pexels).

I wish to explore the best this city and country has to offer, and maybe take that back to my country.

I’m learning how Canada is so different from back home, yet so marvellous. The people here are really nice and polite (of course, not everyone, but we are only human). It’s a really perfect place to start a new chapter of life. Everything and everyone is accepted here, accepted for being themselves.

I learn about people’s behaviours and attitudes every day at work or at school. I see and I feel how open-minded everyone is. It almost makes me feel like I’m in some dreamworld. Victoria sometimes does give out European vibes, and Canada is America’s nicer cousin, for sure!

The Canadian way of living is quite mixed culturally—you can find so many people from so many different cultures here, and lots of evidence of those cultures, be it through a restaurant, an area of town, or a cultural event.

I’m excited to see how the rest of my journey unfolds as I pass my school year here in this city and at Camosun. In-person classes are really exciting and I’m just looking forward to some more of them next year.

It’s exciting because I’ll have new instructors and classmates next term. I’ll get to make more friends and learn through some different teaching methods.

Next year is more important to me and everyone who is graduating because we have to sharpen ourselves for the possible internship that we can get. Most of the postgraduate students in their last term get an opportunity to work in a company or business as an intern and to learn something or even get hired, for that we need to complete a workplace preparation skills course. A lot of my friends are either planning to or have already completed this course and learned a great deal about the Canadian work culture.

We just have to hope everything turns out well.

Thank you so much for reading my articles! Sayonara.