We put Speak Up on hold during the COVID-19 pandemic when we weren’t printing issues, but now that we’re back at it, we’re offering this slightly different take on one of our longest-running columns: we’ve approached Camosun students online instead of in person to get their opinions. Follow us on social media to take part in our next Speak Up! (Note: Students are represented by their user names.)

How safe did you feel during your first week back at classes at Camosun?
Jessica.jay.16, via Instagram
“For the most part, okay. I just know that I need to make sure I should wash my hands more frequently due to less cleaning being done. However, all my classmates have done their part by keeping their masks up and being patient with everyone.”
safiyyahv, via Instagram
“Very safe.”
Carolann Charlie, via Camosun College Student Society app
“I felt safe.”
etp_lvl2, via Twitter
“Felt pretty safe, everyone was maintaining their distance and outside with Camfest for a split second it felt somewhat normal.”
Lidstagraam, via Instagram
“Very safe but overwhelming.”