25 Years Ago in Nexus: September 22, 2021 issue


Camosun radio station awarded: Did you know that Camosun College used to have a radio station? Our September 16, 1996 issue featured a story talking about a national award the station, CKMO (later Village 900), had recently won. The award, presented by the National Campus/Community Radio Association, was given “for excellence in community broadcasting” and came with a $4,000 cash award. Kinda makes a person think how cool it would be to have that radio station back…

Now that’s how to end an interview: We interviewed indie rock legends Archers of Loaf in this issue; to end off the full-page Q&A, vocalist/guitarist Eric Bachmann started talking about his distrust of major labels, which the band was starting to be involved with. “I’ve heard stories… from random bands whose labels told them to [do lip-synched television appearances] and they refused. All of a sudden, the band didn’t get the tour support it wanted,” said Bachmann. “Then, their publishing company found a loophole in their contract so they didn’t have to pay them. It’s very interesting but I’ve got to go or I’ll talk about this all night.”

Email for all: I’ve said it before, but making fun of old tech is low-hanging fruit; at some point, everything is new. Still, the quaintness of the following paragraph in this issue is almost unbearable: “Electronic mail is the most popular application on the internet today,” Bob Edwards wrote in the piece “E-mail access available to all,” which talked about Camosun students having email access. “Using e-mail gives students a feel for the energy, and reach, of the web.”