Speak Up: How safe do you feel returning to campus?

Views September 7, 2021

We put Speak Up on hold during the COVID-19 pandemic when we weren’t printing issues, but now that we’re back at it, we’re offering this slightly different take on one of our longest-running columns: we’ve approached Camosun students online instead of in person to get their opinions. Follow us on social media to take part in our next Speak Up!

This story originally appeared in our September 7, 2021 issue.

How safe do you feel returning to campus in September and why?

David Krismer

“With the availability of vaccines, I feel very safe. However, I will still carry a cloth mask so I can wear it around people who aren’t as comfortable as me—in large groups of people, too.”

Kunal Jain

“I feel safe as [a] high percentage of people are vaccinated and [the] rest are in process. So, let fear go and bring back our normal lives.”


“I don’t feel safe sitting in a room with [the] unvaccinated. I also don’t feel comfortable with wearing a mask all day or even [while writing] exams.”

Majel Wilson

“I am slightly more skeptical and, although fully vaccinated, chose to take online classes for the following semester.”

Carl Hohol

“As a frontline healthcare provider, I strongly feel that universal precautions can go a long way in providing universal protection individually and collectively. Clear and specific mandates from the college will have to be implemented, such as medical-grade masks indoors at all times, hand sanitizers, and, yes, I feel vaccine passports are something essential moving forward. I want to go back to campus no matter what; however, I don’t entirely feel safe for the above concerns.”

Shonchalai Son

“As long as people maintain safe distance from each other and wear face coverings indoors, I feel safe to go back to campus.”

Kelsey Tran

“I am confident to get back to in-person classes as long as all get vaccinated.”