International at Camosun: Travelling as an international student

Columns Web Exclusive

International students have made a lot of efforts to reach Canada to study in their schools, especially in this pandemic. This article is for international students who will be travelling soon, and it’s for students who had to go through a lot and spend a lot of money to fly to Canada.

Like every other international student, I had to go through a similar journey. I was troubled and stressed because everything was so unpredictable, and, in fact, still is.

International at Camosun is a column about taking Camosun classes from overseas (photo by Vlada Karpovich/Pexels).

Many of us bought non-refundable flight tickets, since those were the ones that were available. We had to quarantine for seven or 10 days in another country, fly for 30 to 40 hours, spend up to $5,000 and deal with going through immigration.

Up until now you might feel that it’s too much to grasp or it’s just all too overwhelming. But the most important part is yet to take place; it’s when you reach Victoria. I was so bedazzled by this beautiful city, it just felt unreal. I was jet-lagged for three or four days, but when I stepped foot in Victoria it was all worth it: it felt like I was dreaming.

In just a few days, I tried some amazing food here, got my new Canadian phone number, my SIN number, and my bank account. I’ve been staying at an amazing hostel and I’ve been meeting really nice and hospitable people from all around the world.

Now, believe it or not, I got myself a part-time job and a long-term place to stay within five days of reaching Canada. It might sound perfect and it obviously is, but as a spiritual person I believe it is just the universe’s way of making it count for us, for all the hardships that most of us had to bear.

Of course, it’s not that easy—in fact, I even questioned my decision to move the day I arrived here. I thought maybe this is not the place for me, but after being able to get around the city, admiring its beauty and meeting nice people, I think it’s so fortunate that I get to be here, and I can tell that Victoria in general is going to be one of the most amazing journeys of my life.

I have met so many travellers from my hostel who tell me that I am really lucky that I get to live in this city.

Again, it will be much different when I start school. I can enjoy being on campus and learning while living my life as an international student in Canada.