New Music Revue: The Homeless Gospel Choir get raw on live album

Arts Web Exclusive

The Homeless Gospel Choir
This Is a Protest Song
(A-F Records)

Derek Zanetti is a singer/songwriter from Pittsburgh who has travelled the world singing acoustic punk rock protest songs. Many of his songs deal with global politics, addiction, and mental-health struggles.

The live This Is a Protest Song has a very unique tone and is very raw—an intentional choice. Zanetti recorded the album on his cell phone to capture the essence of a live performance. He says that after the past year of COVID-19 restrictions, he wanted to release the album as a reminder of what it feels and sounds like to be at an in-person concert. The mistakes, applause, and cheering of the audience have all been left in for an authentic and unrefined sound.

The nature of this album is very candid; it is quite intense at times. Many songs have a pent-up energy with crude language and symbolism intertwined into the punk rock. Having an occasional cheer from the crowd can be a nice touch, but, due to the nature of the recording, it does more to obscure the music than it does to provide ambience.

While the unrefined sound of the crowd does make a statement, it’s best used in limited quantities. Harsh sounds like those found on this album can be difficult to sit through, especially when listened to on headphones.

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