New Music Revue: Briars of North America celebrate travel on amazing new album

Arts Web Exclusive

Briars of North America

One of the most beautiful things music does is highlight the emotions and themes that the artists were trying to convey on the day they sat down and created the songs in question. With their new album, Supermoon, which expertly conveys the atmospheres of the places the musicians have travelled to, New York-based Briars of North America have done just that and so much more.

The core trio of the group consists of two long-lost cousins and a friend, and together they are an amazing band that provides its audience with pitch-perfect indie/ambient/experimental folk songs every time they release an album. Take the title track from Supermoon, for example. When it came time for me to critique this album, the main thing that stood out was how effectively this song’s musical cues and tones help   covey the album’s theme of the wonder of travel. By making use of the excellent sounds of electronic music, this song presents those themes well, and it really earns its place as the album’s title track.

Supermoon is a rockin’ good time behind the wheel and a must-have album for travellers everywhere.