House passes $9-billion student aid package, boosts amount

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As we reported on April 22, the federal government has announced a $9-billion student-aid package to assist post-secondary students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The package was fast-tracked and passed by the House of Commons on Wednesday, April 29, and one of the aids was boosted.

Camosun College’s Lansdowne campus (file photo).

Previously, students with disabilities and/or dependents were eligible to receive up to $1,750 a month through the Canada Emergency Student Benefit; that amount was raised to $2,000 a month before the package was approved. This puts the benefit for students with disabilities and/or dependents equal to the Canada Emergency Response Benefit amount.

Student groups have voiced concerns about the aid package, which offers students without disabilities or dependents $1,250 a month.

The legislation has been sent to Senate, which is scheduled to sit on Friday.