Camosun MyWellness column: Ways to de-stress while in COVID-19 isolation

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1. Create a solid morning routine

With so much going on (and absolutely nothing going on at the same time), it can be easy to get lost in the lack of routine. Having some simple steps in the morning that keep you grounded can make a world of difference. Maybe it’s a run, some yoga, meditating, or your favorite book or podcast. Try setting an alarm and getting up at the same time to keep a sense of normalcy.

2. Try home cooking

Try using your home time to learn some new recipes. Aim for healthy and cheap: there are thousands of recipes online that you can use for inspiration. Fresh fruit and veg will boost your mood and your immune system.

Camosun MyWellness has some tips for de-stressing while in isolation (file photo).

3. Take up new hobbies

There’s a world of hobbies just waiting to be discovered, and lots of them can also help you de-stress. Here’s a list to get you started:

– Painting/drawing

– Baking

– Puzzling

– Writing

– Playing an instrument

– Crocheting

– Running

– Yoga

4. Spring cleaning

As much as it’s easy to leave the house to its own devices, keeping it clean and tidy will keep you feeling more motivated, organized, and happy. You have unlimited time now, so break out the vacuum and mop!

5. Call a friend

Although we’re confined to the four corners of our houses, you can always call a friend and get a boost throughout the day! We are in this together! Check in on your pals, play a game of online scrabble, play 20 questions. There’s always someone close by, and if you need someone to talk to, feel free to contact Jordan from the MyWellness program at