A new semester is here, and it’s the goal of the MyWellness program to keep you as healthy and relaxed as possible. So take a look at our most effective de-stressors, and let us know if you think of any we missed!
1. Balance
We know how hard it is to juggle work, school, friends, and sleep, but it’s not impossible. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, go hang out with some friends! Watch some Netflix, take a nap, bake cookies—whatever makes you feel good. Studying while stressed doesn’t help anybody.

2. Nutrition
Eating junk food all the time will work against you—swap the chips for a smoothie and we promise you’ll have more energy, better memory function, and less stress overall. A few small choices every day really add up, so try to get in as many fresh fruits and veggies as you can this semester!
3: Talk to someone
You’re not alone—if you’re feeling anxious, depressed, or just overwhelmed, take advantage of the MyWellness program—online counselling that fits your needs (and the first session is free!). Log on to mystudentplan.ca/camosun/en/mywellness to do a free assessment and take the first step toward better mental health.
4. Exercise
We know, we know: it’s cliché. But it really works. Even just a short walk, some push-ups, or a quick stretching session will boost your endorphins, clear your head, and release tension. Find a workout buddy if you need motivation, and get that body moving!
5. Make a plan
Give yourself three or four realistic goals each day—loading up an impossible to-do list will only make you feel more stressed. Know your limits, and give yourself a break once you complete your tasks!
Feel free to reach out to the student wellness ambassador, Jordan Bell, at mywellnesscamosun@gmail.com if you need to talk to someone, or if you are simply looking for more tips and support. Remember to get lots of sleep, stay hydrated, and schedule in some you time!