Until Tuesday, September 11
Attention foodies!
I admit that our sweet, small city hasn’t got the best reputation as a place for fine food, but the situation is improving all the time, and what a way to find out: A Taste of Victoria: Food Tours is a two-hour tour that hits up various eateries around town. It begins at the Victoria Public Market twice daily at 11 am and 2 pm and includes stops at The Harmonious Gates of Interest, Fan Tan Alley, Market Square, Bastion Square, Trounce Alley, Government Street, the Inner Harbour Causeway, and the Parliament Buildings. See atasteofvictoriafoodtours.com for more info; tickets are $60.
Until Sunday, October 27
Find yourself in beautiful art
The Art Gallery of Greater Victoria is offering all sorts of inexpensive ways to explore the beloved and brand new. Show up and do just that: explore. The gallery is currently featuring works by one of our local artists, Megan Dickie, and some Canadian greats including Emily Carr. Complete your exploring with an exhibit by Margaret August and her selection of prints celebrating First Nations Women. Student tickets are $11; see aggv.ca for more information.

Thursday, August 29
Goes together like osteoporosis and vitamin D
Milk & Bone are bringing their dreamy electropop sounds to Capital Ballroom on Thursday, August 29. The Montreal-based duo are touring in support of their 2018 full-length Deception Bay. Tickets are $16; see thecapitalballroom.com for more information.
Friday, August 30
Bring the beat back, and back, and back
DJ Primitive is hosting monthly house- and techno-centred shows in town, and this right here is the second one, featuring Primitive, TecStyleZ, Ry Guy, and DJ Cannibass. The beats start at 10 pm at the Copper Owl; see copperowl.ca for more info.
Friday, August 30 to Monday, September 2
My big fat Greek festival
As someone who often finds themself bored on the weekends, wondering where to eat, what to do, all that lovely stuff, this actually could be perfect—a weekend filled with amazing food, amazing desserts, dancing, and seriously happy people. It’s well worth checking out, even if just for the ouzo. Check it all out from 11 am to 10 pm daily at 4648 Elk Lake Drive; see greekfest.ca for more details.
Saturday, August 31
Take a trip
According to the internet, Baltimore’s Darsomba play “trans-apocalyptic galaxy rock,” and they’re bringing it to Vinyl Envy on August 31. Local shoegaze/psych rockers Scars & Scarves get things started. Doors are at 7 pm, and it’ll cost you $10; see vinylenvy.com for more info.
Sunday, September 1
Wake up
Doom metal legends Sleep—best known for being awesome enough to get signed to a major label, then give said label one 63-minute song about weed as their major-label debut—are coming to town. Brace yourself: things are about to get heavy. Virginia riff-rockers Pontiak get the show going, although opening for Sleep is a daunting task indeed. Doors are at 8 pm, and tickets are $30; see thecapitalballroom.com for more info.
Friday, September 6
Like light house, but with the lights off
Dark house producer Drezo is coming back to town as part of his OMENS 2019 tour. Drezo will be bringing the good/dark times to the Capital Ballroom at 10 pm on September 6; tickets are $15, and you can find more info at thecapitalballroom.com.
Saturday, September 7
Locals only
Diamond Cafe (known to family as Tristan Thompson) blends R&B and synth pop together right here in Victoria, and Angel Zero are a minimalist electronic duo, also from right here in Victoria. See what happens when they get together for a night of tunes at Vinyl Envy; doors are at 7 pm, and tickets are $10 in advance or $12 at the door. See vinylenvy.com for more info on this and other upcoming shows.
Sunday, September 8
Reggae royalty
Morgan Heritage are bringing their classic reggae to Victoria on September 8. Head down to the Capital Ballroom to take it all in; doors are at 7 pm, tickets are $20, and more information on this and other shows is at thecapitalballroom.com.
Sunday, September 8
Three’s company
Head down to The Copper Owl to see Edmonton’s Jom Comyn, Victoria’s Layten Kramer, and Corduroy—also from Victoria—for a night that promises everything from experimentalism to psychedelia to folk. Doors are at 8 pm, tickets are $10, and copperowl.ca has the info you need.
Monday, September 9
Not Nexus cartoonist Jayden, but close
Seattle hip hop artist Grieves is coming to the Capital Ballroom on September 9, with Mouse Powell and ROBBIE G in tow. Tickets are $16, with doors at 8 pm. See thecapitalballroom.com for info.