Camosun College has announced that the Centre for Trades Education and Innovation, the Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence, and the Centre for Business and Access will all be open for classes tomorrow, Wednesday, November 28. The buildings are not open today as clean-up is still being done. PISE will have limited first-floor access tomorrow as repairs are ongoing.

Students are advised that they may notice odd smells in the buildings, which the college says is normal after fire restoration.
The college said in a press release that their environmental consultants said that all the buildings tested well below WorkSafe BC exposure limits.
The damage is a result of weekend arson and break-in incidents; read our full story here.
Camosun College vice president of student experience Joan Yates says says the total sum of the damage is not known yet.
“Adjusters are getting in there and have had a look,” says Yates, “but we don’t know the actual numbers yet.”