Moving to another country requires several adaptations that we could call setbacks. Besides facing the difficulty of daily communication, we students need to adapt to a new job market that will require us to start over.
Being a newcomer in search of work is one of the major difficulties in the life of a young person. And those who choose to move to another country will face that difficulty twice.
Before arriving in Victoria, I had eight years of experience in journalism in my hometown. So, I already had a network and knew how the dynamics of the profession worked. Here, I don’t, so I felt like I was taking a step back in my professional life.

This can be discouraging at first; after all, we all came in search of better professional opportunities. However, we must have patience with ourselves and understand that this is a natural process. On the other hand, we need to refocus our determination and seek to understand how the labour market works. I do this mainly through my teachers at Camosun. They’re a source of direct information and are present in my daily life. I also try to get involved with extracurricular activities related to my profession.
As well, I use the experience that I have in my home country to my advantage; since it’s the second time that I’ve faced a new job market, I know what my strengths and weaknesses are. The secret is not to get discouraged, and to use the willpower that made us leave our country of origin to adapt in the best way possible to our new location.
When you put all this into perspective, you see the step back you need to take so you can take two steps forward in your personal and professional future. The experience in a new job market can be incredible and stimulating; we just need to know how to get the most out of it.