Fine Furniture gets boost
On Tuesday, April 24, Vancouver Island Woodworkers Guild president Neil Bosdet presented an $800 cheque to go toward materials for Camosun’s Fine Furniture program’s Capstone Project and Exhibition. Bordet also presented a $500 bursary for Fine Furniture students. The guild has supported the Fine Furniture and Joinery program at Camosun for years by donating funds that go toward materials for student projects.
Camosun students get Skills Canada awards
Four Camosun students left the Skills Canada trades and technology competition in Abbotsford on April 18 with medals. Ben Leech won silver, Brad Cuthbert bronze, Dean Gustin gold, and Brendan McDowell silver in the South Island category for their work. Gustin will go to Edmonton on June 4 and 5 for the Skills Canada nationals to try for a spot on the national team. If he gets in, he will go to Kazan, Russia in August 2019 to compete internationally.
Camosun Innovates gets new director
Richard Gale is the new director of Camosun Innovates; Gale was previously vice president, academic at Capilano University and founding director of Mount Royal University’s Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Camosun Innovates is a centre for applied research and other services.

Camosun receives two awards at national conference
Colleges and Institutes Canada (CiCan), a national association for post-secondary institutions, presented Camosun with two awards at its annual conference, which was hosted by Camosun from April 29 to May 1 at the Empress Hotel. The Gold CiCan Excellence Award for Indigenous Education was awarded to Camosun and Eyēʔ Sqȃ’lewen in recognition of their efforts in working toward reconciliation through Camosun’s indigenous education, programs, and services. The second award was the Bronze CiCan Leadership Excellence Award for Non-Managerial Staff, which went to the college’s Carpentry Apprentice Training program. The program resulted in 31 carpentry apprentices working in the community.
Camosun awards Knappett as part of Construction Month
On Tuesday, April 24, Camosun College gave Knappett Projects health and safety manager and human resources coordinator Cori Coutts a Construction Leadership Award for Coutts’ support of Camosun’s construction programs. The award was part of the provincial government’s Construction Month, a province-wide appreciation of BC tradespeople. Coutts and Knappett have over the past year provided Camosun students workplace practicums and other training and work opportunities.
Battery acid spilled at Interurban
On Monday, May 7, a technician spilled eight litres of battery acid in the Forestry Building at the Interurban campus. Approximately 10 workers had to leave the building due to the spill, which did not result in any injuries. Emergency crews were called to clean up.
Canadian Alliance of Student Associations pipes up on Copyright Act
On Tuesday, April, 24, representatives of the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) went before the federal government’s Industry, Science and Technology Committee to voice their point of view on the government’s Copyright Act. CASA supports a section of the act allowing students to use materials for educational reasons without it being copyright infringement; the representatives spoke out against restrictions on that section. There are two national student groups in Canada: CASA and the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS). Camosun students are currently members of the CFS; however, the CFS is putting forth a motion to expel BC locals (see above). Members of the Camosun College Student Society attended a CASA meeting in March as guests.
UVic grad’s work chosen by city for outdoor gallery
University of Victoria grad Austin Willis has had his art chosen by the City of Victoria to make up the 6th Commercial Alley Outdoor Art Gallery, an outdoor art show in the 500 block of Yates Street.