Until Saturday, October 14
Down the drain
Langham Court Theatre is presenting its newest play, Girl in the Goldfish Bowl, until October 14. The play is about a 10-year old girl, her goldfish, and how she deals with her parents’ deteriorating marriage. As a bonus, check out a group art exhibit up at Langham Court Theatre for the duration of the play’s run. Tickets are $10 to $23; for more info, visit langhamtheatre.ca.
Until Tuesday, October 17
Make yourself heard
Camosun’s Student Experience Division is surveying current credit students in order to help the college better understand students’ learning needs. Results will be analyzed in November and December; the final report will be published in January 2018. For more info and to take the quiz, head over to camosun.ca/studentsurvey.

Friday, October 6
A couple of young ones
Vancover-based electro-pop band Rococode are in the middle of their tour promoting their new EP, Young Ones. The duo will be stopping off at Lucky Bar for their second stop in the Canadian leg of the tour, which is Rococode’s second in support of the EP. Tickets are $12; for more information, head over to luckybar.ca.
Monday, October 9 until Friday, October 13
Get mindful, get healthy
Camosun College and the Camosun College Student Society are presenting Healthy Minds Week at the college from October 9 to October 13. Scott Chisholm will be delivering the keynote (see our story on page 4); on Wednesday, October 12 there will be engagement sessions focusing on various mental-health issues held in room 151 in the Lansdowne library (see the sandwich board in the Lansdowne foyer for details); on Friday, October 13, there will be a workshop for students and teachers about suicide-prevention training. All the events are free; go to eventbrite.ca/e/camosun-suicide-prevention-training-tickets-36210253844 to register for the workshop.
Tuesday, October 10
Spreading ideas
Poet G.C. Waldrep will be reading pieces from his collections at Open Space as part of the gallery’s literary series, Open Word: Readings and Ideas. Admission is free; visit openspace.ca for more details.
Saturday, October 14
Drinking the best cocktails
Vancouver Island’s largest cocktail festival, Art of the Cocktail, returns this month and promises to have something for everyone. Festival-goers can look forward to tastings of all kinds, contests, and the opportunity to name best in show. Tickets range from $65 to $90. More details can be found at victoriafilmfestival.com.
Sunday, October 15
Dreamland in Victoria
Alt-rock band Ivory Hours are ending their tour at the Copper Owl on October 15. The tour is in support of their new album, Dreamland, which was released back in June. Check out copperowl.ca for more details.
Tuesday, October 17
Celebrating locals
Canadian Authors-Victoria is holding its Speak Easy event on October 17 at Good Earth Coffeehouse on Oak Bay Avenue. Speak Easy is an event that looks to help local authors connect with each other and share their own prose during an open mic. Admission is free; for more details, visit canadianauthors.org.