Tuesday, September 5
Launched to sea
Head down to Bolen Books to listen to Michael and Anita Hadley launch Spindrift: A Canadian Book of the Sea on September 5. The anthology has 170 pieces from more than 130 Canadian writers; the book launch has no cover charge and light refreshments. Win-win. The festivities start at 7 pm; see bolen.bc.ca for more details on this and other events.
Saturday, September 9
Relax and recover
Recovery Day is a celebration of friends and family. The event, hosted at Centennial Square, is free and will have live music and other entertainment, as well as food. Go to downtownvictoria.ca for details.
Sunday, September 10
Biking for a cause
The Tweed Ride returns on September 10 to help raise money for the shipment of bikes to Namibia. Participants are encouraged to dress in tweed or other smart-looking clothing. Tickets are $15; children 12 and under are free. Visit tweedridevictoria.ca for details.
Sunday, September 10
Celebrating Fernwood
The residents of Vining Street are hosting a party on the plaza at Victoria High School in an effort to help raise funds for community projects. There will be a 400-item auction, a climbing wall, and more. Visit viningstreetparty.com for more details about how to join the party.
Wednesday, September 6 and Wednesday, September 13
Mamboing to the beat
Latin dancer Ricky Lalinde is hosting Latin dance classes for any skill level. Semi-private, private, and group dance classes are offered. The classes, which take place in Centennial Square, run from 5 pm to 7 pm. See latindancemaestro.com for info.
Wednesday, September 13
Exploring German music
Sharon and Harald Krebs will be hosting a concert exploring the repertoire of German music. Bring your own lunch; admission is free. The event will be held at 12:30 pm in room B037 at the University of Victoria’s MacLaurin Building; see finearts.uvic.ca for info.
Friday, September 8 and Friday, September 15
Drumming with your hands
These open-air djembe drumming workshops are available for all skill levels. The workshops are hosted by music producer Matthew Hodgins; drums will be provided on a first-come-first-served basis. Visit drummingworkshops.ca for details.

Thursday, September 14 until Sunday, September 17
10 years of riff
Rifflandia celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Tickets are still available for Victoria’s biggest music festival, which has over 80 artists performing this year. Head over to rifflandia.com for details and ticket options.
Sunday, September 17
Songs from around the globe
Join Benjamin Butterfield and pianist Kinza Tyrrell as they showcase songs from Canada, Germany, Russia, and Ukraine, and even some songs by American Randy Newman. Tickets are $10 for students; find more details at finearts.uvic.ca.