Know Your Writers helps dive into the minds of the writers behind our stories. This issue, we talked to new Nexus columnist Renata Silva.
What drew you to journalism?
I’ve always been fascinated by the world of communication. I believe that the barriers of distance and difference can be broken when we communicate properly. By having access to other types of culture, language, beliefs, and, ultimately, other people different from us, we can acquire critical thinking and broaden our point of view. I believe that journalism has that role: to put together two different ways of thinking. It’s not just about reporting what is happening around the world, but facilitating the access to information, which is extremely important for the development of people and nations. This is what I’ve always wanted to do for my entire life: studying, writing, and knowing about any kind of subject that might interest someone. I believe that within each person and each society there is a world of knowledge that can add value to anyone. I haven’t just studied journalism; I am absolutely passionate about it.

What are you hoping to achieve with your Nexus column?
The Unpacking the Bags column was created to unite international and domestic students. When I arrived I realized that there is a tendency for international students to stay together because we know that there is something in common between us: we are all new to the country. This feeling of solidarity is the initial step to create bonds of friendship because everyone has more or less the same doubts and challenges. So the column may be one more in this circle of friendships to help and share experiences on the trajectory of adaptation in Victoria and in college. It can also be a way for domestic students to get to know what goes on in the minds of international students. I realized that I started to make friends with Canadians as I opened up more and let myself be known; after all, it’s easier for someone to create sympathy for you after knowing more deeply who you are. We are all students in search of new opportunities in life.
What would you say are the best and worst parts of your job at the paper?
The best part is undoubtedly the process of gaining knowledge. For me there are no unimportant stories. I enjoy talking and interviewing different people. I learn with every story. Having this contact mainly helps me to never judge others. I try to take this knowledge to the news I write and give the audience the same experience of personal contact with that particular subject. The most challenging part may be dealing with the speed with which information moves. Nowadays, the concept of updated information is very difficult to follow, so it is important to always be attentive and research as deeply as possible to make intelligent journalism.
Why did you originally come to Camosun?
After graduation and a postgraduate course in Brazil I began to have the desire to study abroad precisely because I believe in the different levels of knowledge that each culture can bring. I chose Camosun to invest in my post-graduation in Business Administration and Marketing because the institution had a focus on teaching quality and a good infrastructure. Studying abroad is a great investment, so I knew I needed a place that I could take full advantage of for my career.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I really enjoy reading; I always have a different book with me. Plus, I really enjoy my time with friends and family. For me, it’s fundamental to be with them, to go out, to go to the movies, or, simply, to talk.