As I write this, it’s hot out, and I need something cool to slake my thirst while I do yard work, barbecue, or just hang inside, enjoying the AC. I want a beer with flavour, but I want to be able to have a couple and not feel too dizzy to cook. I need a session beer. A brew with an ABV of less than 5%, preferably, but enough of a hop characteristic that it maintains flavour and differentiates itself from the many commercial light beers.
Vancouver Island Brewery
Sombrio Citrus Session Ale
4% ABV
355 ml can
I thought that Sombrio Citrus Session Ale would be the beer to fit my requirements, and, in some ways, it is. You definitely pick up a hit of citrus in the smell, along with dry grass and hops. It pours with a bubbly, frothy head and a mostly clear, straw-coloured body. The citrus rind flavour comes through and gives the beer a dry finish, which is the strongest part of this drink. The hop flavours seem a little muddled and weedy, and the beer tastes a little flat on the palate. It will do the trick if served ice cold, but I don’t know if I’d have several at once. They do come in a mixed 12-pack, along with a couple of other VIB offerings; that may be the best way to enjoy this without investing in a 6-pack.

Central City Brewing
Red Racer India Session Ale
4% ABV
355 ml can
Now here is a beer that ticks all the boxes. Coming from Central City’s Red Racer line of brews, this crushable delight packs a lot of flavour into a little ABV. Seductive suggestions of pineapple and grapefruit greet your nose upon opening a can. It pours a very light head that doesn’t last long, but it doesn’t really need too. It looks a bit dark and coppery, which might lead you to believe it’s a heavier ale, but don’t be fooled: this drink has the hoppy edge of a heavier beer but tastes zesty and floral and tickles your palate pleasingly. Very refreshing! I would’ve had more, but I had to write this review. Add this to your list of summer go-tos.