Anciients vocalist/guitarist Kenny Cook answers his phone in typical relaxed rocker fashion when I call him up to chat.
“How you doin’?” he asks; before long, he says he’s looking forward to kicking back with a beer and some good food before the show the band is playing that night. Cook is chill, but Anciients are busy these days, with the band’s latest album, Voice of the Void, landing on the recently announced Polaris Music Prize longlist.
“We weren’t really expecting it,” says Cook about getting on the longlist. “It was a surprise for sure. It’s pretty cool to be included with some of those bands on the list; Leonard Cohen and The Tragically Hip is pretty cool company to have.”

Like many bands, Anciients have had a few speed bumps with members along the way, but Cook says that procuring a new drummer seemed to be the key to keeping a solid beat within the group. Since then, chemistry has been awesome, he says, and the music has been a constant sound wave of good times.
“A big mixture of different styles of metal and rock,” says Cook about what listeners in Victoria can expect. “We try and have as much energy as possible when we’re playing.”
Anciients are currently experiencing the payoffs of hard work, namely the roar of passionate metal fans and the experience of constantly being on the road, which Cook says can be hard at times, especially now that he is a father.
“It’s kind of my first tour away right now from my kid for the first time, so that’s been a little bit tough, but other than that it’s a pretty cool job to have,” he says with a laugh.
Cook says that his two-and-a-half-year-old kid likes music, and he hopes that it will grow on him even more in the near future.
“He mainly just likes to smash it. He strums every now and then. We got him a little drum set and a harmonica… soon he’ll be forced,” he laughs. “No, I’m just kidding. He really loves music, so hopefully one day he’ll pick something up; but whatever he wants to do, it’s his choice.”
Vancouver’s Dead Quiet are the opening act for Anciients when they play here in town.
“They’re an amazing band,” says Cook. “Our new guitarist Brock [MacInnes] actually plays in that band as well. They’re a great rock band. People should be excited for them.”
Cook says it’s back to the studio for the band when the tour is over.
“Basically we’re just looking forward to what the next record’s going to sound like, and getting these last few tours out of the way, and getting back to focus on new material,” he says, “so I’m super excited about that.”
8 pm, Saturday August 5
$15, Sugar