Have you ever wondered about the Camosun students writing the articles you read in Nexus? Know Your Writers will help you dive into the minds of the writers behind the stories.
This issue, contributing writer Felicia Santarossa has her say about transcribing interviews, making phone calls while sick, and figuring out (sort of) what she wants to do.

What drew you to journalism?
I’ve always loved to write, so when the Nexus managing editor showed up with the opportunity to write for Nexus in one of my Communications classes, I thought it would be a great experience for me. I’m really grateful for the flexibility Nexus has with contributing writers; it can be tough balancing school and volunteering.
What is the most awkward moment you have had in an interview?
They have all been varying degrees of awkward. There was one where I was rather nervous speaking to the interviewee and I had been getting over a slight cold, so, along with the awkward pauses and random filler words like “okay” and “um,” I could hear my nose whistling over the phone. Hopefully it wasn’t too obvious.
What would you say are the worst and best parts of your job at the paper?
The worst would definitely be waiting for a source to get back to you for an interview; the stress is the worst. Listening to the sound of your own voice as you transcribe interviews can also be cringe-inducing. As for the best, just being able to create stories that, hopefully, people are interested in reading.
Why did you originally come to Camosun?
I was sure I wanted to get into some sort of career with writing, but wasn’t too sure how to go about it. I was just taking a few slightly random Communications courses here, some Sociology there. After a semester I realized which program to get into and am continuing from there. Trust me, it only sounds like I’ve got it figured out.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Mostly lose myself in the black hole of social media. Other than that, just hanging out with friends, occasionally playing the piano, and belting out songs the rare moments I have the house to myself. I’ve always been into theatre, so sometimes I’ll act along with the song. How’s that for an embarrassing fact about me?