Government decreases student-loan interest
The provincial government has announced that through their Budget 2017 they will lower interest rates on student loans to be just the prime rate of interest; it currently ranges between prime plus 2.5 percent to prime plus 5 percent. BC currently charges the highest rates of interest on student loans of all the provinces. Look for a full story at and in our next issue.

Former Camosun artist awarded
Glenn Lewis, who was Camosun’s artist in residence in January and February of 2014, recently won a Governor General’s award for his work, which includes painting, sketching, and ceramics.
Federal government to write off student loans
The Canadian federal government recently announced that they will write off $178.4 million of student-loan money. The total amounts of student-loan write-offs since 2012 is now $961.4 million, leading some critics to say that this shows that the student-loan system is flawed.
Two sexual assaults in Victoria in two days
A woman sitting at the 1700 block of Douglas Street was sexually assaulted on February 9, according to police. The police don’t know if this was linked to a similar assault the day before. The suspect is described as being white and 25 to 35 years old; he has a dark mole on the side of his face and was clean-shaven.
City Council vows to involve Victoria’s youth
After recent statistics came out detailing the fact that 15 percent of Victoria’s population are between the ages of 12 and 24, but are largely not represented in local government, Victoria City Council has started a three-year Youth Strategy initiative, which is written by people under the age of 25. The strategy aims to educate youth on the city, start communication between youth and City Council, and get more youth into work through co-op programs.
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