Have you ever wondered about the Camosun students writing the articles you read in Nexus? Know Your Writers will help you dive into the minds of the writers behind the stories.
This issue, staff writer Adam Boyle talks about making the right choice, getting motivation to write, and his strange amount of free time.
What drew you to journalism?
Honestly, I didn’t know I’d like it until a friend of mine sporadically decided to volunteer for Nexus. I tagged along and decided that I would give it a shot; next thing I knew, I had a column about gaming and I loved it, and writing in general, and I wanted to keep going and to push myself harder.

What is the most awkward moment you have had in an interview?
I once interviewed someone thinking their job position was different than it actually was; needless to say, all the questions I had lined up were quickly canned during the interview. There were many awkward pauses while I tried to think of things on the spot.
What would you say are the worst and best parts of your job at the paper?
There are seriously so many high points of writing here. The team is great and the atmosphere that we have in the office is great; meeting so many interesting people and hearing their stories is another great thing. In terms of the worst part, I’d say that getting the motivation to write after something crappy happens in your life is probably one of the hardest parts, although sometimes it can help to just focus on writing and take your mind off of the other things going on.
Why did you originally come to Camosun?
To be perfectly honest, I didn’t want to. I planned to work for a year after high school and just gather myself and figure out what I wanted to do with my life. My parents gave me a choice: pay rent and work or take at least three classes and pay no rent. After they gave me that choice, the choice was really straightforward. I picked three random classes I had some interest in and the next thing I knew, I was sitting in the Nexus office writing stories and interviewing people. I wouldn’t change these choices for anything.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I find it weird that I work two jobs, am a full-time student, and am trying to balance a social life, yet I still have a ton of time. Most of the time, I just play video games like League of Legends or Overwatch, watch YouTube videos, or just spend time thinking of something productive to do. Basically, it can be narrowed down to gaming…