Until Saturday, December 3
Back to Salem
Langham Court Theatre will be showing their newest play, The Crucible, until December 3. Loosely based on the Salem Witch Trials, this play hopes to offer an insight into the madness that occurred in that time period. Ticket prices range from $10 to $22. Contact langhamtheatre.ca for more info.
Wednesday, November 30 and Wednesday, December 7
Smash stigma
The Living in Our Shoes Stigma Reduction Project is hosting two mental-health workshops at Camosun in December. College staff and pupils will share their experience, as will community members. The focus will be on various coping strategies for living a balanced, successful life despite mental illness. The first workshop is on Wednesday, November 30 in Lansdowne’s Library and Learning Commons 151 from 11:45 to 12:45. The Interurban workshop is in room 101 of the Centre for Business and Access on December 7; it goes from 11:45 until 12:45. See camosun.ca for details.
Friday, December 2
On the balcony, upstairs
Toronto-based alt-pop group The Balconies are playing at Upstairs Cabaret on December 2. For ticket prices and more info, check out upstairscabaret.ca.
Wednesday, December 7
Drink on campus! Smash on campus!
Built-up anger? Frustrated at events in the world? Want a drink? If the answer is “yes” to any of those questions, Camosun College’s second-year Visual Arts students are holding a “drink and smash” event. For $5 you get a drink in a clay cup, which you can then smash (once you’ve finished your drink, of course) to help relieve some stress. All proceeds go to the year-end show for the students. The event runs from 1:30 pm to 4 pm in the Fisher building courtyard at the Lansdowne campus. Find more information by searching for the event name on Facebook or emailing leah.t.rush@gmail.com.
Friday, December 9
ELEX your muscles
The Electronics and Computer Engineering Capstone Student Project Showcase is coming to Interurban on December 9. The showcase is a chance for graduating students to show their projects. For more details email mollerud@camosun.bc.ca.
Friday, December 9 and Saturday, December 10
What the funk?
Coming in with four turntables and a boatload of both new and old music, The Funk Hunters are here to play. For ticket prices and info, check out sugarnightclub.ca.

Saturday, December 10
Best soundtrack ever
That iconic Christmas jingle from A Charlie Brown Christmas—virtually everyone knows it. It’s stuck in your head now after reading that sentence! Jerry Granelli, one of the original composers of that cartoon’s soundtrack, has formed a new trio and is coming to Oak Bay High School’s Dave Dunnet Community Theatre, located at 2121 Cadboro Bay Road. Tickets are between $35 and $39; details can be found at rmts.bc.ca.
Friday, December 16
Probably not a lot of Law and Order references
Telling the story of a homeless man and his journey through the Christmas season, Tom Jackson (Star Trek, Law and Order) brings his tale to Centennial United Church for this benefit event. Head over to huroncarole.ca for more info and ticket prices.
Wednesday, December 14 to Sunday, December 18
Keeping the tradition alive
One of the most common Christmas traditions is reading—or watching—A Christmas Carol. Workingclasstheatre is bringing this famous Christmas tale to Victoria this year; get into the spirit of the season with this play for $25. Head on over to workingclasstheatre.com for information.