Wednesday, March 2
Hell no we won’t… wait, no more transfers?
Upset about BC Transit’s decision-making process? Students often are, so let your voice be heard at this rally at 12 pm at the Legislature to let them know how you feel. This time around, the focus is on the bus pass for people with disabilities; search for “Raise the rates – leave our bus pass alone” on Facebook for more info.
Wednesday, March 2
Graphic Blandishments
March 2 is the last day for this exhibition of works in graphite by Ehren Salazar and GJ Pearson, being held at Dales Gallery and Framing Studio. For more info on this and other exhibits, check out
Friday, March 4 and Saturday, March 5
One World
Pearson College is bringing One World to the McPherson Playhouse for two nights. See 160 students from all over the world showcase their talents through an accumulation of dance, song, and international collaboration. Preview tickets are available for $10; Saturday’s tickets cost $30. Show times are at 2 pm both days, with an additional show at 5 pm on Saturday. Visit for more information on this and other events being held at the McPherson Playhouse and the Royal Theatre.

Sunday, March 6
Spring signs
New blooms and budding new growth are out there waiting for you to stop and smell the flowers. Head out on a free guided hike this weekend at Mill Hill Regional Park in Langford and check out all spring has to offer. If you’re interested in joining, head out to the information kiosk in the parking lot just off Atkins Avenue a little before 1 pm. The walk is expected to run from 1 until 2:30 pm. More information on this event and others like it can be found at
Sunday, March 6
Portugal brings to you…
…fado singer, guitarist, and composer Antonio Zambujo at Hermann’s Jazz Club, located at 753 View Street. Head out for a night of bossanova, vocal jazz, folk music, and sounds from the region of Alentejo in the south of Portugal. The show starts at 7:30; tickets are $27 in advance, or $30 at the door. For more information, visit
Tuesday, March 8 and Wednesday, March 9
Romeo and Juliet
This Shakespearean drama, being presented by Ballet Victoria, is driven by Prokofiev’s score and original new music, as well as intensely physical choreography. Tickets start at $30; see for more.
Friday, March 11 until Sunday, March 13
Liberal Party convention
The Liberal Party of Canada in British Columbia is hosting its 2016 BC Biennial and Policy Convention here in Victoria. If you’re still awake at this point, then maybe you should register to attend. Visit to register.
Saturday, March 12
Masked bandits!
Learn all about a day in the life of a raccoon on a free, all-ages guided walk out at Devonian Regional Park out in Metchosin. The walk is expected to run from 1 pm until 2:30 pm, and the meet-up location is in the parking lot just off William Head Road. For more information, visit
Sunday, March 13
Trackers training
Ever wonder about what animal left those tracks on the trail? Well, you can get an introduction to investigating the clues left behind by animals during this free CRD-hosted guided walk. Recommended for ages 8 and up, the walk will be around Elk/Beaver Lake Regional Park in Saanich and is expected to run from 1 pm until 2:30 pm. If you’re interested, meet just before 1 at the Nature Centre off the main parking lot. For more information, go to
Saturday, March 19
Trio from Toronto
Ontario’s Pram Trio will be playing at Hermann’s Jazz Club, to the delight of Victorians, on March 19. The show is at 7:30 pm; tickets are $16 in advance and $19 at the door. For more information about this show and others, check out