Know Your Profs is an ongoing series of profiles on the instructors at Camosun College. Every issue we ask a different instructor at Camosun the same 10 questions in an attempt to get to know them a little better.
Do you have an instructor that you want to see interviewed in the paper? Maybe you want to know more about one of your teachers, but you’re too busy, or shy, to ask? Email and we’ll add your instructor to our list of teachers to talk to.
This issue we talked to Camosun History and Global Studies prof Chris Morier about punk credibility, missing the Applied Communication Program students, and Malahat speeders.
1. What do you teach and how long have you been at Camosun?
I teach History and Global Studies and have been at Camosun for about 11 years.
2. What do you personally get out of teaching?
Working with students motivates me to keep learning, reading, and thinking about the world. My students’ curiosity and enthusiasm inspires me to try to find better answers to their questions… and better questions for their answers.
3. What’s one thing you wish your students knew about you?
That I try really hard to make classes interactive and lively. It bums me out when a lecture or seminar crashes and burns, but I guess if it forces me back to the drawing board then it’s a good thing.
4. What’s one thing you wish they didn’t know about you?
I made the mistake one year of undermining my punk credibility and admitting that I think Cyndi Lauper rocks. Students pounced, and it took me a while to live that down, but I’m sticking to it. Cyndi is very punk rock, actually; read her bio if you don’t believe me.

5. What’s the best thing that has ever happened to you as a teacher here?
It’s always exciting to see students move onwards and upwards in their academic careers. Once in a while a former student will check in and let me know that they’ve achieved a goal or are heading off on an adventure.
6. What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to you as a teacher here?
There have been a few lean budget years at the college lately, and it’s tough to be stressed out along with friends and colleagues. I still miss the Applied Communications Program: those students definitely livened up the Young Building, even as they sprawled all over the hallway floors.
7. What do you see in the future of postsecondary education?
Well, what I’d like to see is more government commitment to Arts and Science programs. Open-minded and critical citizens keep their governments honest. Classes in the arts encourage students to question the status quo and to discuss alternatives.
8. What do you do to relax on the weekends?
I like to hang out with my kids and partner Natasha. When I’m flying solo, you’ll find me with a glass of Guinness, the latest John Oliver clip, or a flick by Wes Anderson or the Coen brothers. Those movies never get old.
9. What is your favourite meal?
If I’m buying: Mr. Noodles. If you’re buying: prime rib, garlic mashed potatoes, and seasonal veggies. You pick the vino.
10. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Speeders on the Malahat. And M. Night Shyamalan movies after 1999. Dude should’ve just dropped the mic after The Sixth Sense.