Student society offers Christmas hampers
Students can pre-register to receive one of 80 hampers (40 at Lansdowne and 40 at Interurban) the Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) is making available to those attending Camosun this holiday season. The hampers will be available to students on Monday, November 30 and will include food and other essentials to help students in need through the holidays. Students looking to get one of the hampers should email the CCSS at Be sure to include your name, student number, and phone number, as well as what campus you want to get the hamper from.
Camosun instructor receives scholarship award
Mechanical Engineering Technology instructor Kathy Tarnai-Lakhorst was one of three recent recipients of the Engineers Canada-TD Insurance Meloche Monnex scholarship. The award, valued at $7,500, will go toward her research, which looks for ways to encourage young women into postsecondary engineering programs.

Camosun VP re-elected to Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce board
Tom Roemer, VP of strategic development at Camosun College, has been elected to the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce board of directors for the fourth year in a row. Roemer is one of 17 board members at the Chamber.
Camosun ranked one of Canada’s top 50 research colleges
According to an annual report of Canada’s top 50 research colleges, released by Research Infosource Inc., Camosun College attracted a total of $1,612,000 in total sponsored research income during the reporting period. This is an increase from last year’s income during the same period and ranks Camosun at 33rd in the country.
Give your input on transit
The Victoria Regional Transit Commission wants input on the local transit fare structure system. The transit system is funded through fares, local property taxes, provincial government grants, and fuel taxes; the commission is responsible for setting fares and the property-tax levy for this region’s transit. Since the start of the review process, over 2,000 people have given input through online surveys, emails, phone calls, social media, and letters. To add your thoughts, take the survey at, send an email to, call 250-995-5683, or mail a letter to Fare Proposal, Box 610, 520 Gorge Road East, Victoria, B.C., V8W 2P3.
Rentals in Victoria
A resolution calling for changes to federal tax treatment to increase Victoria’s rental inventory is now part of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s policy agenda. Victoria’s vacancy rate for rental accommodation is 1.2 percent.
Pay your age for the ballet
For the 30th anniversary presentations of Ballet BC, Dance Victoria has come up with a fare breakdown that is advantageous for students. Show them proof of your age and your student status to get a ticket that costs your age. There are a limited number of tickets; call the McPherson Box office at 250-386-6121 for more info. Oh, and you don’t just look five years older because of the stressŃthe tickets are subject to a $5 service charge. Performances will start at 7:30 Friday, November 13 at the Royal.
Got a news tip for us? Is there something Camosun students are talking about that we should know? Email so we can look into it.