There is exactly one comedian who has appeared on the Late Show with David Letterman 28 times: Brian Regan.
The American has explored his talent in various avenues, including TV specials, corporate gigs, and film, but it’s his stand-up that really stands out as being the defining aspect of his career. All the while, Regan maintains a down-to-earth quality that’s accessible to audiences.
“The person who is on stage is me, but it’s an amplified version of me,” says Regan. “Sometimes in a punchline you might adopt a character that’s dumber than you really are, or angrier than you really are, but in the set-ups I keep trying to come back to ground zero, so that the audience is looking at a real person. Comedy works best if it’s rooted in reality.”

From an early age Regan knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life, was a model student, and woke up at the crack of dawn each morning to work towards achieving his goals. Well, kind of. Okay, fine, so he slept through his classes and switched majors partway through his degree (perhaps that narrative rings a bell?).
“I was a little disillusioned as to why I was in college because I was not enjoying economics,” he says about his major. “My football coach was the one who said, ‘Have you considered the communications and theatre arts department?’ That was the first time that even popped on my radar, that direction.”
Even before Regan realized comedy would be his career path he was being shaped as a comedian. He says his predilection for socializing was an education in itself, even though it often occurred at the expense of his academics.
“I used to write a column for the school newspaper; I had a cartoon strip. I started being known for being kind of funny, you know,” he says. “So even though when I looked at my report card I wasn’t getting good grades I was still learning how to move forward on my path.”
Nearly 20 years later, Regan, who left college during his final year in dedicated pursuit of his comedy career, registered for distance education in order to complete his theatre degree.
“I actually wanted to go to campus to do the graduation, like I wore the robes and the hat and the whole thing. I had my mom and dad up in the stands. Here I was, this grown man walking with all these 21-year-olds. The other students didn’t know who I was. They were like, ‘Who is this guy?’” he says with a laugh.
And all his life journeys have led to him performing his stand-up here in Victoria in July. He’s looking forward to returning and remembers his last visit fondly.
“I had a great time,” he says. “We took one of those speed boats from Seattle [the Clipper] to get out there. I would say half the people on the thing got sick. I was like, ‘Where the heck are we going?’ Then, sure enough, you get there and it’s like Shangri-La.”
Brian Regan
8 pm Saturday, July 11
$51.25, Royal Theatre