Until Saturday, May 16
Duplicity at Deluge
Check out the work of three artists exploring, according to Deluge, “the hand-wrought reproduction of existing surfaces” at duplicate. The exhibit is at Deluge Contemporary Art, 636 Yates Street; see deluge.ca for more info.
Until Sunday, May 24
The door is always…
The Open Door Access to Art features artwork from 25 students attending eight different Victoria High Schools at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. See aggv.ca for more details on this and other events happening there in May, including May 21’s Tour of Japan and May 24’s Family Sunday).
Until Saturday, May 30
Guest House, Open Space; Open House, Guest Space
Guest House is a whole bunch of arty things happening at a whole bunch of locations for a whole bunch of days. Go to openspace.ca/guesthouse to get the lowdown.
Until Saturday, May 30
Really want to try that cutting glass thing one day
Diamonds is an exhibition from artist Todd A. Davis that examines, according to a press release, “surveillance culture, gestures of hospitality, and inhabiting shared spaces.” The exhibit is at Open Space until May 30; see openspace.ca for more information.
Wednesday, May 13
Hell no, contaminated waste won’t go
Head on down to the Legislature from 11 am to 1 pm to protest contaminated waste being dumped into Shawnigan’s watershed. Search #SaveShawniganWater on Twitter for info.
Wednesday, May 13
Let’s make some bets
For starters, I’d place pretty high wages on the fact that most college students in 2015 are unaware of who April Wine are. I’ll tell you this much: the Canadian rockers have nine live albums! $40, 8 pm, rmts.bc.ca, let me know if you actually go to this please and thanks.
Thursday, May 14
Vancouver Island docs times two
Head over to UVic’s Cinecenta at 7 pm to see two documentaries by Vancouver Island filmmaker Richard Boyce: Coastal Tarsands: Journey to Deleted Islands and Rainforest: The Limit of Splendour. Boyce will be in attendance to present the films. See cinecenta.com for details.
Thursday, May 14
Get between it
Between Alternatives, featuring paintings by Jane Francis and Jo-Ann Richards, is having its opening shindig from 5 to 8 pm, featuring Karel Roessingh on piano. The exhibit is happening at the Baumann Centre, 925 Balmoral Road on the following dates and times: May 15 and 16 from noon to 5 pm; May 20, 22, and 23 from noon to 5 pm; May 21 from noon to 4 pm; May 27 from noon to 5 pm. Email betweenalternatives2015@gmail.com for more information.
Thursday, May 14
Get ready for a bookish good time
The Like Minded Tour rolls through Distrikt on May 14, with the Librarian, Barisone, and Monolithium all hitting the stage. The doors are at 9 pm and it will cost you $12.50; see atomiqueproductions.com for info.
Friday, May 15
RIYL: Men at Work, Air Supply
I had eye surgery recently! It was super scary. I have to go back for a checkup on May 15 to make sure my eyeball isn’t about to pop out of my skull. Hope I don’t forget this time. I missed my first eye surgery appointment because I forgot. Not sure what happened there, that’s really unlike me. Also on May 15 is Tommy Emmanuel playing at the McPherson Playhouse at 8 pm. $52, see rmts.bc.ca for more information.
Friday, May 15
Sounds good
Samo Sound Boy will be performing at Lucky Bar on May 15; B-Mid and Jenny Badger are on the bill as well. $10; see atomiqueproductions.com for more.
Saturday, May 16
Get worldly
Looking for a little afternoon music on May 16? Perfect: Diemahler Music Around the World goes down at 2:30 pm at St. Mary’s the Virgin in Oak Bay. $25.
Tuesday, May 19
Free jazz comes to town
Peter Brotzmann will be performing a solo live concert at the Copper Owl (1900 Douglas Street); Brotzmann is a biggie in the world of free jazz, so head on down if that’s yer bag. 9 pm, $15, copperowl.ca for more info.
Wednesday, May 20
UVic gets watered
No idea about you, but I can never really place who the Waterboys are when that name comes up. I mean, I’ve got the Wallflowers and the Weakerthans down but maybe it’s just time to cool it with the “the” names at this point. Anyway, fans of the Waterboys must be out there, because this show, going down at UVic’s Farquhar Auditorium at 7:30 pm, costs between $58 and $68. Head over to uvic.ca/auditorium for more info.
Friday, May 22
Be Good, Frazey
Frazey Ford, best known for her time playing with the Be Good Tanyas, will be playing at Sugar at 8pm; advance tickets are $20. See atomiqueproductions.com for the details.
Sunday, May 24
Sunday afternoon choir time
The Victoria Philharmonic Choir are presenting Requiem at UVic’s Farquhar Auditorium. $35 and $45.50; see uvic.ca/auditorium for more information.
Tuesday, May 26
Raincoast release launch
Russell Books (734 Fort Street) will be home to the launch of Raincoast Chronicles 23: Harbour Publishing 40th Anniversary Edition at 7:30 pm on May 26. Head on down to hear several Victoria contributors read from their pieces from the book. Admission is free; see russellbooks.com for more information.
Tuesday, May 26
Not Bryan, Ryan
Here in Canada this guy will just never get his correct space in everyone’s mental compartmentalization. Because, you know, Bryan. Ryan Adams, 8 pm, Royal Theatre, $51.50, rmts.bc.ca for more info.
Friday, May 27
Get your ideas on
TEDxVictoriaSalon: Health is more than an awkward name: it’s a combo of speakers and TED/TEDx talks focused around the theme of health. 6 to 9 pm, 660 Discovery Street, get those tickets early, though: tedxvictoria.com can point you in the right direction.
Friday, May 27
Craving cheddar Ritz for some reason
Calgary punks Puttin’ on the Foil are bringing their rawkin’ punk to Logan’s Pub, bringing the Drunken Superheroes and Abombanation along for the ride. See loganspub.com for more info.
Thursday, May 28
Camosun trades and tech awards action
Head over to Spectrum Community School Theatre (957 Burnside Road West) to see the 2015 School of Trades and Technology Awards Ceremony, which gives kudos to both students and alumnus. Tech awards at 6, light refreshments at 7, trades awards at 7:30. See camosun.ca/learn/school/trades-technology/tt-awards.html for info.
Thursday, May 28
Time to get your future in order
Head on down to the first Camosun and UVic joint Business Co-op and Career Fair, taking place between 11 am and 3 pm at the lobby in the David Strong Building up at UVic. Go to uvic.ca/coopandcareer/events for more info on what’s going on and how it can help you.
Thursday, May 28 to Sunday, May 31
Eat and watch
The Food Feast and Film festival is three days of celebrating the one thing we all have in common. It really doesn’t matter what your interests are, or what your life goals are. As long as you’re breathing, we have one thing in common: we love alliterations. Wait, wrong fest. See feastfoodfilm.ca for information.
Friday, May 29
Unreal, son
Sonreal will be at Sugar on May 29; tickets are $16.50 and more information can be found at atomiqueproductions.com.
Friday, May 29 and Saturday, May 30
This is actually a ballet
None of what I’m about to say may be totally accurate, but I think I remember being in Beverly Hills once and seeing Rodeo, that popular road that everyone talks about. I love how it’s not pronounced like the word that means wrangling horses or whatever and instead is RoDEo. Rolls off the tongue nicely. So, I was excited to walk on it (kinda like how I was on a bus once and crossed Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood and was like, damn, Slash probably staggered through this exact intersection at some point during the ’80s), but then I realized Rodeo is all about shopping and if there’s one thing that puts me in a bad mood, it’s shopping. But I bet this “ballet stampede” would lift me right out of that bad mood: Annie’s Rodeo, 7:30 pm on May 29 and 2 pm on May 30, Royal Theatre, $30, rmts.bc.ca.
Saturday, May 30
Walk and roll
Let’s be honest: it’s about time you got outside for some fresh air. So join this walking group at the Henderson Rec Centre for a 5/10 km walk. Registration is at 9:30 am; the walk begins at 10. They do tons of other walks as well, so contact Evelyn for info on this and others: 250–370–0153.
Saturday, May 30
Squishy, juicy fun
Good for Grapes and the Wet Secrets will be playing at Sugar for what sounds like it will be a night of moist fun. Doors are at 7 pm and tickets are $12.50. See atomiqueproductions.com for more info.
Saturday, May 30
Hard, heavy fun
If you’d rather do something that involves bands on the heavier side of the musical spectrum that night, sure: Vancouver thrash metal band Titans Eve are playing at the Cambie in Esquimalt with Atrous Leviathan, Scimitar, and Aetherion. $10; see cambiepubsesquimalt.com for more information.
Sunday, May 31
Get thieved
Rob Garza of Thievery Corporation is hitting Distrikt with Neighbour, Kut, and Mike Gano. $20; see atomiqueproductions.com for more information.
Thursday, June 4
We’re guessing the west one
Which coast do Lovecoast love? Go ask the young soul/pop band when they bring their tunes to Lucky Bar on June 4. See lovecoastmusic.com for more info.
Friday, June 5
Cook’s off Cook
Did you see the price on those Aerosmith tickets? These rock shows ain’t getting any cheaper! Makes the $63 tickets to go see Jesse Cook seem like a steal. 7:30 pm, Royal Theatre, rmts.bc.ca for info.
Saturday, June 6
The Stream and the Sidewalk would have worked, too
The River and the Road are playing Lucky Bar at 7pm for $15. Their mixture of indie, bluegrass, and folk probably equates to a pretty good time live, by the sounds of things; see atomiqueproductions.com for more info.
Tuesday, June 9
Explore the mayhem
So, Dora the Explorer is coming to the Royal Theatre. These evening kid shows are a hoot: by about an hour into it, it’s pure chaos, as the kids are grumpy, the adults are wondering if it was really worth it, and the stimulation just DOES NOT STOP. Entertainment or bizarre social experiment? Entertainment, of course. 6:30 pm, $31.50, rmts.bc.ca for info.