Tournaments are a fun aspect of Magic: The Gathering. Competitive players can easily conjure up a cadre of the game’s most powerful, rare, and expensive cards from their 60-card deck.
Back in 2007/08, I built a tournament deck that took me all the way to the City Championship finals in Vancouver. I managed to finish eighth overall in BC. The featured cards of the day were Tarmogoyf, Garruk Wildspeaker, Thoughtseize, and Doran, the Siege Tower.
These days, my passion has been introducing new players to the game.
Our take-a-card, leave-a-card box has now morphed into two distinct collections for players to pick through. We have been play-testing homemade decks versus factory-made duel decks with surprising results.
In the long haul, however, the “money” decks grind out the wins against novice players with their fledgling card collections. This was an enormous source of frustration for me as a teen learning the game on a limited budget.
Today, I’m proud to say we are levelling the playing field for newcomers with our complimentary 30-card starter decks, mini master tournaments, and booster drafts. For all the formats mentioned, no investment is required, as it free for Camosun club members.
Come join our next Magic club meeting on Friday, February 20 at 1 pm in Young 220, Lansdowne. We have organized a special event for the meeting: a free, limited eight-player Fate Reforged booster draft.
You must present your Camosun ID to enter. Preference will be given to current club members. A special thanks to Michael Lum of Skyhaven Games for sponsoring the event.