I recently saw Michael Franti in concert, and the power of his music changed the way I see the world and the way I think. I was sharing my feelings about the show and the intense emotions I was feeling afterwards.
The message through the music really touched me; I’ve often heard of people being inspired by positive messages, through music or art, but I’d never really experienced this feeling.
The message was living with love, and sharing your love with people, because we’re all connected. I’ve always believed this, but I’ve never really applied it in my life on a regular basis.

Many can easily express how much they love their family, friends, children, pets, and superficial individual loves, like our favourite foods or music. But we often forget to tell the people in our lives what they mean to us, and that we love them.
After the concert I made a decision that I was going to tell every person in my life who really means something to me that I love them.
I was recently having coffee with a dear friend of my mine; we were having a heart-to-heart conversation. I was feeling honoured that she was comfortable enough to share her unique story of the obstacles she has been facing lately.
At the end of the chat, I hugged her and said, “I love you.” I was feeling that she needed to hear that she was loved (and I do love her) and she replied back, “I love you, too!”
Since that day, I make it a daily effort to say these three little words to the people I love. I encourage everyone to do the same.