Until Friday, September 12
Crash the UVic party
The University of Victoria is holding it own welcome back events up at the university until Friday, September 12. The events include a pancake breakfast and fair on September 3 (that’s the day we come out, so hurry!), a series of outdoor movies in the quad, live bands playing all over campus, the UVic Vikes’ sports teams’ Thunderfest event on September 5, as well as a dodgeball tournament and an all-ages dance party. Go to uvic.ca/orientation for more info.
Thursday, September 4
Camfest, round two!
Your friendly neighbourhood Camosun College Student Society is presenting a get-to-know-your-campus celebration at Interurban on September 4, following the fun of Lansdowne’s event on September 2. Come and check out the displays, eat some food, mingle, schmooze, and whatever else your little heart desires. Go to camosunstudent.org for more info.
Friday, September 5
Let your Backbone slide
A celebration of Vancouver experimental cinema from 1967 and 1981 either sounds like the most interesting night ever, or the weirdest and most painful experience of your life. Find out at 7 pm at Open Space Gallery (#2–510 Fort St.) when MediaNet and Open Space present Backbone: Vancouver Experimental Cinema 1967–1981, an hour-long documentary film followed by a 40-minute program of five experimental short films by artists that were active during that period. Go to backbonefilm.ca for more info.
Saturday September 6 and Sunday September 7
Anarchists and books, together again
The ninth annual Victoria Anarchist Bookfair takes places at the Fernwood Community Hall (1240 Gladstone) and includes book and info tables, workshops, readings, films, presentations, and many more things to do with anarchism and anti-capitalism (which, we suppose, go hand in hand). The bookfair is open to anarchists and non-anarchists (phew) and features participants from all over North America. Go to victoriaanarchistbookfair.ca for more info.
Sunday, September 7
Trying really hard not to make a Peking duck joke
The National Acrobats of the People’s Republic of China are coming to town with their amazing, action-packed live show, Cirque Peking, at UVic’s Farquhar Auditorium at 2 pm (note: the 7 pm show has been cancelled). Tickets are economical at $26 for students ($36 for non-students and $16 for kids) and family packs are available for $100. Go to uvic.ca/auditorium for more information on what’s surely to be a memorable, physics-defying show.
Friday, September 12
Hit the beach… at Lansdowne?
A beach-themed party on campus takes place today, featuring the trusty “beverage” gardens, activities, games, and other tomfoolery, presented by the Camosun College Student Society. It’s a perfect chance to catch up with your former classmates, and make friendly with your new ones, over a brew or three. Go to camosunstudent.org for more info.

Thursday, September 11 to Sunday, September 14
Rifflandia takes over Victoria again
As we told you in our feature story about reformed Victoria band Bum (see page 6), Rifflandia Music Festival is coming up and it’s got hundreds of bands playing all over the city to check out over a four-day period. There are too many bands playing to list here, but let’s just say you can see Death Cab for Cutie, Le Butcherettes, The New Pornographers, Airbourne, and Zed’s Dead all at the same festival, so there’s something for pretty much anyone (unless you like metal, punk, grind, hardcore, or noise, but that’s another story). Go to rifflandia.com for the full lineup and schedule.
Saturday, September 13
Welcome to Punklandia
Can’t afford to hit up Rifflandia this weekend, or maybe just annoyed at all of the indie rock on the Royal Athletic Park grounds and its general lack of loud? Well, you’re in luck, because just down the street at Logan’s Pub is a punk-rock show with a lineup that’s like a kick in the teeth by a pair of Doc Martens. Playing are California’s Bishop Greens, Kamloops’ Soundcity Hooligans, Calgary’s Knifedogs, and Vancouver’s All Out Panic. Riffland-a-what-now?! Best yet, the show is only $12 at the door! Go to loganspub.com for more info.
Sunday, September 14
Tweed Ride promotes Victoria biking
Like to ride bikes around the city, but tired of circling endlessly on your own with no real noticeable direction? The Greater Victoria Cycling Coalition is doing their fourth annual Tweed Run, starting at 11 am at St. Anne’s Academy and ending at Esquimalt Gorge Park. All proceeds from the ride go to Bicycles for Humanity, which donates bikes to people in developing countries. Registration is $10 or free for children 12 and under. Go to tweedridevictoria.ca to register or for more info.