Astonished, amazed, and optimistic: these are the first words that come to my mind when the world of technology comes up with new, pleasant surprises. This issue, we’ll look at the technology that some are calling the next big revolution after computers and the internet. So, friends, get ready, because the future, or at least a glimpse of it, is here. After so many new releases, acquisitions, and wonderful stories from the technology world for the past few issues, now it’s time to check out the technology of the future.

Just imagine: you are on a camping trip with your companion and a part of your caravan malfunctioned in the middle of nowhere. What will you do? Wait for help to arrive? Could take days. Okay, what if I say that you can print that replacement part you need yourself? Right in the middle of nowhere. Isn’t that wonderful? Indeed it is, my friend.
Welcome to the world of 3D printing. A camper automobile equipped with a computer can now have a database of three-dimensional CAD (computer aided design) images of each and every part on the caravan, from nuts to bolts, even including complex engine parts. If any of these should fail, the printer could have a suitable, made-to-spec replacement in hoursÉ maybe even minutes. This technology opens up a wide range of possibilities and opportunities and raises consumers’ expectations in general.
3D printing can be very useful in everyday life as well. It has already been put to use in several schools throughout the US, and in several companies as well. According to the enthusiasts, 3D printers may change the way we live and experience life on a general basis. That being said, it is also very optimistic and early to declare this product to be as revolutionary as computers.
Now, our part as consumers is to wait, watch, and experience. In the upcoming years, we will have the result in front of our eyes. No doubt, we will see our life changed on the technological front, regardless of the success of this particular product. You may think it’s a revolution or a fad, but either way, it’s just one step towards the future, with more to come.